Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of First Grade

maya was all smiles and excited to see Mrs. Baker and all her friends. she had a great day and is ready to learn all that she can.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yellowstone Lake State Park!

we wanted to end the summer with another camping trip - 3 nights this time. We chose Yellowstone Lake State Park because of the swimming and the bat houses that make for almost mosquito free camping. Also saw lots of shooting stars. Came home after 2 nights because of thunderstorms - a great weekend had by all!

Two wheels for Jonah and his new push bike

He loves his new push bike, or as he calls it, his run bike.
He can already balance and loves pressing the brakes to make it skid. He is already talking about a bike ramp!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Big Girl Day

This morning, Maya took off on her two-wheeler for the first time!! She got going and kept saying "let go, let go".  We have been practicing all summer and Maya is so proud of herself.
But that wasn't enough for Maya today - she decided to get her ears pierced too. She chose beautiful rubies to decorate her earlobes!! Two-wheeler pictures will be posted soon.