Friday, February 25, 2011

Jonah's First Day of Kindergarten

February 22 - Jonah's first day of kindergarten. He's in Mrs. Baker's class, just like his big sister was. His friend Cooper is in his class and he is quickly making new friends with everyone. He has had an amazing first week. We are so proud of him!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Jonah

we love you!!! can't believe you are six today!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Feb. 1 brought one of the biggest blizzards in chicago history (3rd largest behind 1967 and 1999 blizzards) ....approx 20 inches. The groundhog did not see his shadow - we definitely need an early spring.
Maya, Jonah and Lucky seemed to like all the snow!